• Set during the last days of the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. The Crimea Peninsula is the last stronghold of the White Guard, and the Red Army is planning the final assault. The first story line of the movie follows two Red Army soldiers unlikely friends Nekrasov and Karyakin. The second story line is about a White Guard officer Brusentsov who is devoted to Russia and his cause but sees it being destroyed day by day.
  • 15世纪初,俄罗斯动荡时期。著名圣像画家安德烈·卢布廖夫(安纳托里·索洛尼岑 Anatoli Solonitsyn饰)在大公的邀请下前往莫斯科为教堂作画,受到了贵族式的服务与对待。然而,卢布廖夫却身处在一个饱受鞑靼人铁蹄践踏和充满灾难残杀的悲惨时代。目睹了黎民百姓在大公暴政下的水深火热,卢布廖夫毅然离开教堂返回修道院。不久,卢布廖夫被迫再度回到莫斯科进行圣像创作。然而面对居民被无辜的残杀,教堂在战火中被无情的摧毁,卢布廖夫再次陷入艺术与现实巨大反差的质疑之中,拒绝继续作画。1423年,鞑靼人的军队终于被赶出俄罗斯的大地。在经历了炮火、鲜血的锤炼洗礼后的卢布廖夫,终于完成了传世名作《三位一体》的创作。 由苏联电影大师安德烈·塔科夫斯基执导的旷世史诗巨作《安德烈·卢布廖夫》,用塔式特有的诗化电影语言和如历史壁画一般的浓重画笔,呈现了15世纪俄罗斯著名圣像...